Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 40

This is day 40.  Hard to believe I've had her this long.  She had a good day today. Lots of in-hand work. First time I've crawled underneath and kneeled on her.  She did fine.  This is also her first day to learn to back the "L".  She did pretty dang good for her first time.  Does better backing to the right.  Really getting broke :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 39

Rose had a really good day today.  The clouds rolled in this afternoon and cooled things off so we worked on our in hand maneuvers quite a bit.  She walks and trots beside me really well now.  Still working on the lope but she is getting a little better every day.  Laid her down on both sides and she is going down much easier and much more willingly.  I think its because she can graze on some grass while bowing or laying down :)  Gave a bath, combed out her mane and tail and put a mane tamer on her to train her mane the other way so everyone can see her brand. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 38

Sorry I haven't been more diligent in my posts but been really busy lately.  Just been doing lots of ground work and desensitizing with Rose.  Really having to work on her loping in hand.  She gets nervous and tries to run off but is slowly getting better.  I trimmed her feet the other day and she did great.  Had to do more sacking out with her today.  If she has days off she forgets things and uses the reacting side of her brain instead of the thinking side.  Time is sure slipping by quickly!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 32

Geez it has been a while since I posted.  Days 28 & 29 were a review of everything she knows up until now.  I gave her the weekend off and today we did a brief review and then started a few new things.  She decided she was afraid of moving barrels today so we worked on that until it was no longer a scary thing.  Worked on lunging at a walk since she always wants to trot.  Did some more ground driving but this time through barrels, cones and over the bridge.  Drug half a tire so it wasn't so heavy for her. Tomorrow a whole tire and then more weight each day.  Put a fly mask on her for the first time today and she did fine.  Laid her down with it on and Mom drove the 4-wheeler past her head several times to desensitize her to loud noises while laying down.  I think she enjoyed her days off because she acted more interested and willing to do everything I asked today :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 27

Worked on lunging in hand, more desensitizing, working with her feet, bowing, etc. Tied the buoys to the saddle and trotted her around with those flopping around.  Laid her down with saddle on today for the first time.  She doesn't especially like laying down but when she gets there she loves to just relax and let me rub on her and doesn't really want to get up.  Did some ground driving again today.  She is getting quieter about everything we do now.   

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 26

We practiced some more bowing and laying down today.  I taught her to shake her head yes and no.  She caught on to that really fast.  I also sent her through some swimming noodles to get her used to more scary objects.  The picture that looks fuzzy is her shaking her head no.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 25

Rose learned how to bow today.  She also laid down and let me sit on her and rub her all over.  She sat on her butt briefly before I let her up.  She trusts me and I am so thankful for that!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Days 23 & 24

Took Rose on a road trip to Van Horn, TX to meet the family.  My Grandparents were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary.  Had a great party and of course everyone fell in love with Rose.  She tolerated the trip really well.   Came home today to a river flowing down our road.  We got 4.7 inches of rain while we were gone on top of the 1.2 inches we got on Thursday!! WOO HOO!  Lots of water in our pond for her to swim in.  Forgot to take the camera so no pictures of our trip :(

Friday, August 12, 2011

Days 21 & 22

Hard to believe I've had Rose for 3 weeks.  She has come a LONG way!  Took her for a trip around town and to drop another horse off yesterday.  She is loading and unloading like a champ now.  It rained last night and filled our pond.  At first Rose didn't want to get in the water but after just a few minutes you can see how well she LOVES the water.  We had fun swimming together!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Days 19 & 20

Worked on trailer loading again today.  Gotta have her really good at loading for the competition.  Yesterday we spent more time on the bridge.  She is still not liking it much but I at least got her to walk across it and stand on it instead of trotting or jumping across.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Days 16-18

Day 16 we worked on loping in hand.  She does much better to the left than right so we are working on getting both sides equal.  Day 17 she had her official first day off!!  I think we both needed a break.  Today she met the big green ball and did really well.  I bounced it all around her, over her and on her and she just stood there.  She was watchful but trusted me.  Also worked on crossing noisy bridges today.  She was more concerned about the bridge than I expected her to be but for her first time she did great!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Days 14 & 15

Took Ombre Rose on an overnight adventure to the San Angelo State Park.  She tolerated riding in a slant trailer really well.  Stayed totally calm and relaxed in her pen even when I rode away on another horse.  I used my Mom's horse to pony her at the park.  He breaks in all the new colts or even helps with problem horses.  Nothing bothered her except when I had her tied to the trailer and Mom opened the cabin door next to her.  She sat back a little but calmed down pretty fast and then just stood there looking at us.
In my spare time I train outside horses too. This is Lucky.  He is going home this weekend.  The only thing green around here is mesquite.  That dry patch in the background used to be a lake :(

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 13

Helped a friend today so sure didn't have much time to spend with my horses.  Did get Rose saddled with a light weight barrel saddle so I can drive her better through the stirrups.  I was using a bareback saddle and it kept slipping off to the side.  She wasn't quite sure what to think about those heavy stirrups banging her ribs but we made out alright.  She is acting a little arena sour so I may pony her in the state park tomorrow.  That should make her happy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 12

Sorry about the poor picture quality but it was getting dark and our camera does not do well in low light situations.  Rose had an amazing day today.  Teaching her how to ground drive.  Caught on really fast and even got her into a trot!  Stopping and backing well too.  Gonna teach her Gee & Haw tomorrow ;)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Days 10 & 11

Rose continues to do great but she reminds me every once in a while that she is still a wild horse at heart.  That's fine because she is doing so much more so much sooner than I ever expected.  I am lunging her over, under and through lots of obstacles just to get her more broke and used to things.  Today I rubbed and jumped all over her.  She just stood there. I also put my bareback pad on her and let her wear that a while.  No problem at all.  She spends lots of time at the patience pole every day.  I want her to be able to stand still wherever I put her.  A good horse is a tied horse.